Where To Buy Toy Story Basic Buzz Wing Pack

Every time we passed this jet pack in the store, my die hard Toy Story fan would start pleading for it. As embarrassing as this was (no one--not even a mom--appreciates a gimmie kid), I couldn't helped put be charmed by the idea of this toy. After dozens and dozens of "not today" and "maybe for your birthday", and my daughter's own attempts at using household items to double for a jet pack, I caved when I saw it on Amazon, and that it would ship for free.

The straps are a little flimsy, and the wings are not movable components, but the toy has provided hours and hours of entertainment for her and my one year old who watches. You'll really want to ask yourself if you aren't going to mind your kid running around the house shouting and making electronic noises for hours at a time, but if you can hold out, the extended nap is a pretty decent pay out. With Toy Story 3 coming out, this toy will only increase in popularity and will make for an unbeatable gift for the toddler set.Get more detail about Toy Story Basic Buzz Wing Pack.