Buy LeapFrog Tag Reading System (Lavender) (32 MB)

I know that these LeapFrog toys are sometimes geared for the older school-aged children, but DON'T WAIT on this one! And don't waste your money on a Tag Jr. if you have a toddler! My three year old got this for Christmas just two weeks after her birthday. She immediately figured out how to use it, how to read it, how to interact with it, how to be gentle with the books and pages, and how to play the games. She devours these books and activities and loves reading like a big girl! If I would have followed the guidelines on age from LeapFrog I would have had a bunch of useless Tag Jr. stuff sitting around and would have had to STILL go out and get he regular tag! If your child is already flipping through paper-paged books and not still chewing on thick cardboard then they are likely ready for the full Tag system!Get more detail about LeapFrog Tag Reading System (Lavender) (32 MB).