Buying The Original Fart Macine #2 - Remote Fart Machine

I'm not an expert, but I've played around with a few different fart machines that my friends have had, and this one definitely sounds the best. I've done some research and heard that "The Pooter" might sound even better. But with the Pooter, there's no remote and you have to operate it inside your hand. I Like the Fart Machine #2 especially because of the remote. I can "fart" hands free (except, of course, for the remote, which is very small and looks like, perhaps, a tiny pager).
I like to hide it behind my dad when he falls asleep on the couch and gross out my mom while she eats dinner and watches TV. I can trigger it from upstairs, so it has an excellent range.
I've noticed that sometimes the "farts" go off for no reason, but it's rare and so far has not been a problem.
Tonally, the "farts" sound pretty real and it's at a perfect volume. I've been able to fool people a great majority of the time. The only thing I don't like is that some of the sounds are just a little over the top (i.e., too long, too many fluctuations in character in a single "fart").
Here's a helpful video I found that demonstrates the sounds: [..]

I prefer the simple, short bursts because, to me, it seems more common and believable. Unfortunately you can't just trigger only certain sounds. But it's not random, it goes through a cycle, so I guess if you wanted, you could go through and cue it up for the desired "fart."

My favorite thing to do is pretend to cough while I "fart." It's great as an ill-fated attempt to cover myself from supposed embarrassment.

Since I bought this, my friends and family have been fooled into thinking I'm a disgusting pig, and it's all worth it! There's no shame in enriching your life with immature potty-humor.Get more detail about The Original Fart Macine #2 - Remote Fart Machine.