Discount Disney Ultimate Buzz Lightyear Talking Action Figure -- 12"

Ok...whats up with the re-packaging?? I agree with a previous poster, "Did I get a used toy for the price of a new one"? The toy was not secure, but in the box. It was then put in a clear bag, and closed with a garbage tie. Not what I would expect from a new toy!! Usually, new toys are impossible to remove from the box, not this one!! This toy was also very scratched up around the legs, and looks like one of the screws were loose. Could this be a refurbished toy? If so, shame on them for duping us!!!

My son gets very frustrated with the wings. They only stay shut when they want too. My husband and I are getting a little tired of him crying because he can't close the wings. The really bad part is, we can't either.

There is a button on the front that does absolutely nothing. Whats the button for?

It also is very difficult to stand up, another thing that frustrates my son!!

My plan was to exchanged this toy for one that might be new!! Not sure after reading the reviews... it seems all the Buzz's have the same complaints.

Guess I will let him keep his "used" toy even if it breaks next week...

Buyer Beware!!! Not worth all the Buzz! Get more detail about Disney Ultimate Buzz Lightyear Talking Action Figure -- 12".