Transformers Voyager Starscream Immediately

Really nice. Lot's of reviews already out there so I'll concentrate on the things that stand out.

The figure has a really cool transformation, I commend the designers of the toy. How does one think of a transformation that has his legs and chest fold up like that? Really neat. The jet has a nice clean underbelly, not too much clutter. Much more streamlined than the first movie Starscream.

The robot mode's back is also nice. There is a "backpack" present, but it blends in with the whole design of the robot. Although they could have made it fold in much farther and flatter into the upper torso's back.

They could have also done a little better with how the upper arm connects with the upper torso. They could have also added a hinge on the hands so that it folds into the jet right underneath the jet's thrusters. (Like in the instruction manual) But then again, it may raise the production cost of the toy. The designers may have had to compromise on a lot of things to keep the price down, but it still is an awesome overall figure.

I'm not really a fan of gimmicks like firing missiles and stuff, cuz they could have done away with all that and made a much better looking and much more screen accurate toy. However, they have to appease the younger customers.

The "tattoos" or the warpaint on the jet is OK I guess. I think without the warpaint, the gaps on top of the jet would be too obvious, so I welcome it.

Real nice. Kudos to the designers.Get more detail about Transformers Voyager Starscream.