Shop For Interaction Wall-E

We got Eve last Christmas for our daughter. It still is alive a year later so we decided to get this for our son. We took it out to play with it before wrapping to make sure it worked well and communicated with Eve. It is super cute and as expressive as Eve is. They do talk to each other with sayings from the movie; "Eeeeevahhhhh, Weaaalleeee" perfect!

The quality is just as good as Eve and I expect it to last a long time. I cant believe Eve still works over a year later. If Wall-E lasts as long it is one of the best we have ever purchased!

The tracks turn on the wheels and Wall-E is poseable. He is so much cheaper this year compared to last year. Very worth it in my opinion.

I will update this review after we play with it alot Christmas Day. For now I am very happy with this purchase and it completes the set.

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