Buy Disney Toy Story Talking Jessie Doll -- 16''

My parents bought this for my son who is 3 1/2 and loves both movies Toy Story and Toy Story 2. After we got him the Buzz Lightyear doll he asked for the Woody character. He played we these for a couple of weeks then asked for the Jesse doll. He's been re-creating scenes from the movie including parts where they drop lifeless into their boxes, except my son throws them lifeless. I squirm thinking he's gonna break one of these dolls but they've kept up so far (he's had them a few weeks now, 8 days with the Jesse doll) and they've kept up well; Buzz is losing some of his paint but my son could care less. Personally, I think the Jesse doll is true in detail to the movie and has the same funny sayings as well.Get more detail about Disney Toy Story Talking Jessie Doll -- 16''.