Transformers Movie 2 Fast Action Battlers - Photon Missile Jetfire Right now

I originally got this version because I could not find the leader class version and did not know if I wanted to pay the much higher price (I eventually did both find and buy it), but this Jetfire had become my favorite figure out of the Fast Action Battler line. He has good looking modes in both, despite the kibble in jet mode. The bow legged aspect was a huge disappointment initially, but I used a knife to make adjustments that put his legs directly below after transformation. He tends to look much more dignified that way.

He is durable too. When my kids want to play Transformers with me, this one I can bring out. Most of the rest of mine are strictly display only.Get more detail about Transformers Movie 2 Fast Action Battlers - Photon Missile Jetfire.